AP® Italian Language and Culture


It is a way to get closer to the culture and heritage of an ancient nation. It is a rich and beautiful country, with a wealth of art, music, fashion, and design. If you are passionate about Italian culture and have some knowledge of Italian language, you can take the www.europe.study language course. This will allow you to explore modern Italy and the society. It also prepares you for the AP Italian exam that could lead you to a position as a student at one of the world-famous Italian universities.

This course

Wellesley College offers an online course for high school students and those with a desire to improve their Italian language skills. You can choose how much, when and where you want to study the material and you can do it at your own pace.

The course offers a wealth of educational material, including text, audio, interviews, podcasts and podcasts as well as authentic reading materials, exercises and tasks. It also provides students with knowledge about both the linguistic and cultural aspects of the language. It reveals such aspects as Italian culture, including modern family, tradition, cuisine, politics and literature.

What you will learn

This course will allow you to learn about and become skilled in:

Italy's culture today

Italian language skills: Communicating, translating, and presenting ideas

Grammar of Italian

Everything required to sit an AP Italian exam.

Register for the course

The course offers a great opportunity to improve your Italian language skills and prepare you for the AP Italian exam. If you prefer active learning with others under the guidance of an instructor, Wellesley College offers live online instruction classes that follow the same curriculum.

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