Italian Language and Culture: Intermediate


Italy's cultural and historical heritage has made it a popular destination for many for a long time. It is a vital part of this heritage. Your knowledge of the Italian language can help you access many new opportunities, such as access to literature, music, art and national values. You also have the opportunity to study, work, and live in Italy. You will find it easier to understand the language and communicate with native Italians. It is important to familiarize yourself with the culture, customs and traditions of your country while you learn a language. This intermediate course in Italian is recommended by to help you tackle two problems simultaneously.

This course

Language courses are designed to improve the communication skills of students. However, it is also possible to share some knowledge about culture, literature, and art in the country. Italian can only be taught through its culture, and this course does just that.

The course is designed to improve the language skills of learners of Italian. It uses a variety of methods to encourage you to learn new vocabulary and grammar, as well as to make it easier to communicate in different social settings. This is possible through video material that shows the real lives of Italians, interviews and lessons, as well as participation in online discussions.

What you will learn

This intermediate-level course in Italian will give you the following:

You are more proficient in grammar, writing, and reading.

Confident in communicating daily in everyday situations

More familiar with Italian culture, which includes poetry, art, fashion, as well as the Italian public health system and modern shopping habits.

Register for the course

This course is a good choice for anyone who wants to improve their Italian language skills. You will soon feel confident speaking Italian and have a lot of knowledge about Italian culture and life. This course is offered in English. Beginner - Intermediate and Advanced You can begin at any level, to improve your skills or to refresh the ones you already have. 

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